Sunday, April 8, 2007


For Easter dinner it was the three of us, my parents & I, enjoying a lovely Haitian meal. Don’t you love our place settings? These came from Haiti – you can tell that we like to have a shot of color everywhere.

A special treat was that my Dad found some locally-grown organic cherry tomatoes at the market. They were delicious and were a great complement to the pois (red bean sauce) and rice (that is a traditional grouping and you can taste why – when all three are mixed together it’s called a djaka).

My mother made a lovely poule en sauce (chicken in sauce) and accra. Accra is one of the delights of my life. It’s a good thing that it takes a lot of work to make it, or else I would eat nothing but. And being that it’s fried, that wouldn’t be good. It’s made from a root called tannia (or malanga) and I believe it has eggs and herbs in it. While I’m here I need to find out.

Here is my mother doing some last minute preparations.

And here is my father raising his libations.

It was a lovely day. All’s well that ends well.

1 comment:

suz said...

i was going to brag about making fried chicken, beans and cornbread for easter. *sigh* i'm jealous.