Saturday, April 28, 2007


We got to the parade a bit late, but this was the first troop I saw. You can't tell from the picture, but they are dancing.

These are what we call mocko jumbies. Some of the better ones do some real acrobatics up there. These guys are liming. Where we were is kind of near the beginning, so they are probably holding off till they're on Main Street.

These are steel pan players. I know I've mentioned the rickety platforms they perform on. Here you can see.

Here are the Zulus. They were among my favorite this year.

And here is a rather elaborate costume. I do remember costumes being a little more ambitious, like when my uncle was a genie on a flying carpet, but these are still pretty good.

I shot some short videos, too. I'll have to figure out how to put those up.


TBM said...

Fantastic. Beautiful detail. I really had no idea that the costumes were as colourful or Rio De Janeiroesque. Are there costumes specific to the Island?

dax said...

There are! I forget what we call them, but there are these clowns with whips whose costumes are lined with bells and fur. Also we have the "Indians". There are a few others that are kind of unique to here.