Friday, April 27, 2007


Instead of going to the children's parade today, I decided to go to the beach. Sapphire Beach is definitely one of my favorites (as a St. Thomian, I will always say Magens Bay is my favorite). It was a beautiful day, so I'm glad I took advantage. When I was walking from the parking, I noticed these beautiful yellow hibiscus:

Hibiscus are usually red, though I've seen plenty of pink and orange. But yellow is something special, I think. You know, I just realized that to this day if someone asks me to picture a generic flower, I will picture a hibiscus. It's probably because we had a hedge of them growing up. They make a good tea, but only the simple red ones. These are fancy red ones:

Anyway, I didn't do much at the beach besides read and walk and swim. And listen to the palm fronds in the breeze. Here is a panorama of Sapphire Beach. In this picture you can see Congo and Lovango Cays with Jost Van Dyke behind them.

In this picture you can see Tortola on the left and St. John on the right.

St. John again in the distance.
Gorgeous, gorgeous day.

1 comment:

TBM said...

Lovely pictures. It's an entirely different view since they removed the catamaran.